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V2 Setup Session 1: Giving Configuration
V2 Setup Session 1: Giving Configuration

Steps to setup giving in the V2 admin portal

Tim Roberts avatar
Written by Tim Roberts
Updated over a week ago

Target Users:
Finance, Marketing / Communications
Vision2 Lead: Implementation Consultant
Duration: 1.5 hours 

Session 1 includes an overview of the Vision2 Admin Portal with your Implementation Consultant, followed by 6 sets of steps. These steps allow you to prepare your admin portal for online giving.

Step 1: Create and/or review your designations.  In V2 terms, a designation is any giving opportunity. There are several designation types that you can configure: funds, general designations, campaigns, projects, and mission trips

Step 2: Create your promotion list(s). A promotion list is used to manage the online giving opportunities you want available on your website. You can control the number of giving opportunities and the order they appear on your website. You can even use multiple promotion lists to separate your giving opportunities throughout your website. Once your promotion lists are setup, you can add or remove giving opportunities from your website without needing a web developer to make changes to a webpage.

Step 3: Edit your online giving sources (web acknowledgements, email acknowledgements, ask ladders). In V2, a giving source enables you to report against your giving based on the button a donor clicks to give and also allows you to have unique web and email acknowledgement messaging by designation. The giving source also allows you to have a different series of donation asks by designation.

Step 4: Decide how to treat revenue per campus

Step 5:
Review V2 security roles and invite your admin portal users

Step 6: Homework for Session 2:

  • Finish your designations including short, long descriptions and image 

  • Complete the designation map (if applicable)

  • Finish acknowledgement templates, ask ladders 

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