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Troubleshooting Scan2

Steps to take if you are having issues with check/envelope scanning

Tim Roberts avatar
Written by Tim Roberts
Updated over a week ago

If you are experiencing issues with check scanning, please follow the steps below.

To start, we need to make sure the scanning computer is connected to the internet and that the latest version of Scan2 is installed. You can verify the version number in Add/Remove Programs or in the Scan2 software.

Note: while version was the most current version at the time this article was created, there will be future versions. If you are unsure of the current version number, please reach out to support to verify.

Check Version Number in Add/Remove Programs

  • Click the Windows button in the lower left corner of your screen

  • Click Settings

  • Click Apps

  • In the Search bar, type Scan2

  • Click the Scan2 item to expand it

  • The version number is found here:

Check Version Number in the Bottom left corner of Scan2

Verify Scan2 App Settings

If Scan2 cannot connect to Vision2 after confirming you have internet connectivity and the latest version is installed, it is time to check your Scan2 settings.

  • Launch Scan2

  • Click the Settings button in the upper right corner

  • On the left side of the settings screen, verify the following:

Client Domain – this is your V2 admin portal subdomain

Host – should be

Protocol – should be https://

Time Zone – this is read from your local machine’s time zone settings

Endorsement – should be For Deposit Only

Login Issues

If Scan2 is connecting to Vision2 but you are unable to login, go to your admin portal and try to login with the same credentials.

  • If you are unable to login to admin portal, you may need to reset your password

  • If you can login to admin portal, check with your V2 administrator to verify your account has the correct user access

Checks/Envelopes Not Scanning

If the scanner is not scanning checks/envelopes, try resetting the scanner

  • There is a reset button on the bottom right of the physical scanner

  • T​here is also a reset button on the bottom right corner of Scan2

Scanner Not Detected

If the scanner is not detected or resetting the scanner in the previous step did not fix the issue

  • Close Scan2

  • Unplug and re-plug in the scanner (USB cable and power cord)

  • Launch Scan2 and login

Reinstall Scanner Drivers

If you continue to have scanning issues, uninstall and reinstall the TellerScan TS240 scanner drivers. The download link can be found in this help article:

Reinstall Scan2

If reinstalling the scanner drivers did not fix the issue, uninstall and reinstall Scan2. The download link can be found in this help article:

Send Diagnostics

If you are still having issues after trying all of the steps above, s​end diagnostics to Vision2

  • The diagnostics button is located in the bottom-right corner of Scan2

  • Click the Diagnostics button

  • Include a description of the issue you are experiencing and the steps you have tried

  • Click Send

Additional Information for Scanner Maintenance

Digital Check provides information for proper cleaning and maintenance of your scanner here:

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