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How do I place my mission trip on our website?
How do I place my mission trip on our website?

Steps for creating widget landing pages and updating the account subnav

Tim Roberts avatar
Written by Tim Roberts
Updated over a week ago

There are several mission trip landing pages that are needed to support your mission trip online. Please Note: You will want to make sure your mission trip designation is added to your default promotion list. If you have created a separate mission trips promotion list, please add the trip to that promotion list instead.

Mission Trip Detail Page

  • Create the Mission Trip Detail page in your web editor

  • Login to V2 Admin Portal and navigate to: Web > Giving > Mission Trip

  • Copy the div tag from the bottom of this page and paste it at the top of the Mission Trip Detail page in your web editor

  • Go back into V2, copy the script tag from the top of the same page, and paste it under the div tag on the Mission Trip Detail page in your web editor

  • Publish the Mission Trip Detail page in your web editor

  • Copy the Mission Trip Detail page’s friendly URL

  • Go back to the V2 Admin Portal and navigate to Web > Website > click the Websites link

  • Click the Pencil to edit the Main site

  • Scroll down to the Mission Trip URL under the Designations section

  • Paste the Mission Trip Detail web page URL into the text box

  • Scroll down to the bottom and click Save & I’m Done

Participant Detail Page

  • Create the Participant Detail page in your web editor

  • Login to V2 Admin Portal and navigate to: Web > Giving > Package Details

  • Copy the div tag from the bottom of this page and paste it at the top of the Participant Detail page in your web editor

  • Go back into V2, copy the script tag from the top of the same page, and paste it under the div tag on the Participant Detail page in your web editor

  • Publish the Participant Detail page in your web editor

  • Copy the Participant Detail page’s friendly URL

  • Go back to the V2 Admin Portal and navigate to Web > Website > click the Websites link

  • Click the Pencil to edit the Main site

  • Scroll down to the Package Detail URL under the Core Online Giving section

  • Paste the Participant Detail web page URL into the text box

  • Scroll down to the bottom and click Save & I’m Done

Fundraising Page

  • Create the Fundraising page in your web editor

  • Login to V2 Admin Portal and navigate to: Web > Giving > Peer to Peer Edit

  • Copy the div tag from the bottom of this page and paste it at the top of the Fundraising page in your web editor

  • Go back into V2, copy the script tag from the top of the same page, and paste it under the div tag on the Fundraising page in your web editor

  • Publish the Fundraising page in your web editor

  • Copy the Fundraising page’s friendly URL

  • Go back to the V2 Admin Portal and navigate to Web > Website > click the Websites link

  • Click the Pencil to edit the Main site

  • Scroll down to the Fundraiser URL under the Profiles section

  • Paste the Fundraising web page URL into the text box

  • Scroll down to the bottom and click Save & I’m Done

Fundraiser History Page 

  • Create the Fundraiser History page in your web editor

  • Login to V2 Admin Portal and navigate to: Web > Giving > Peer to Peer Index

  • Copy the div tag from the bottom of this page and paste it into a text editor (Notepad or Word will work)

  • Change the text myFundraiser to fundraiserHistory (this is case sensitive)

  • Copy the edited div tag and paste it at the top of the Fundraiser History page in your web editor

  • Go back into V2, copy the script tag from the top of the same page, and paste it under the div tag on the Fundraiser History page in your web editor

  • Publish the Fundraiser History page in your web editor

  • This URL will not be pasted back into V2, as it will become part of the Account subnav you created during your initial website integration.

Conditional Fundraising Navigation DivTag

  • Navigate to Web > Profile > Fundraising Navigation

  • In The Widget Container, under optional settings, click the Label toggle to enable

  • In the Label Text Box, provide the name you wish to display. The text will default to My Fundraisers 

  • In The Widget Container, under optional settings, click the href toggle to enable

  • In the href Text Box,  type the URL to your fundraiser history page

  • Copy the div tag. You will add it to the Account subnav in the section below

Account Subnav Edits

You will need to add the line below (editing the URL to point to your Fundraiser History page created above) to your Account page in your web editor.
The Account subnav should look like this when updated (making sure to edit the URL paths):
.profile-subnav {
.profile-subnav li {
.profile-subnav a {
font-size: 13.5px;
height: 39px;
line-height: 39px;
padding: 0 8px;
#content_container {z-index:auto !important;}
<ul class="profile-subnav ">
<li><a class="active" href="https://CHURCH URL/PAGE EXTENTION/">Account</a></li>
<li><a href="https://CHURCH URL/PAGE EXTENTION/">Payment History</a></li>
<li><a href="https://CHURCH URL/PAGE EXTENTION/">Recurring Gifts</a></li>
<li> <div class="v2 v2Module" data-module="fundraisingNavigation" data-opts="{'label': 'My Fundraisers', 'href': ''}"></div></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="v2RedirectF1('https://CHURCH', false)">InFellowship</a></li>


 Once complete, you must copy the subnav from the Account page and paste it into each of the following pages in your web editor: Payment History, Recurring Gifts, and any other pages you have created under the Account page (ex. Commitment History)

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