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How do I evaluate the effectiveness of a promotion?
How do I evaluate the effectiveness of a promotion?

Create a marketing effort to track giving performance

Tim Roberts avatar
Written by Tim Roberts
Updated over a week ago

You can track the effectiveness of your giving promotion by creating a marketing effort to track giving by source. Please note: this is a multi-step setup process. This article contains steps for the following:

Create a reporting-only campaign
Create a marketing effort using the report-only campaign
Create new sources (if needed)
Associate sources with the marketing effort

Create a reporting-only campaign

  • In the V2 admin portal, navigate to: Finance > Designations > Campaigns > Add a new Campaign

  • In the Name text box, type a name that reflects this is a reporting-only campaign

  • Copy the Name of the campaign and paste it in the Short Description and Long Description text box fields.

  • Click the Fund search drop down box and select any fund. Please note: You will not be reporting against this selected fund, but the fund field is required to create a campaign. 

  • In the Start Date and End Date boxes, make sure you use a wide enough date range to capture the giving to be included in this report. For example: we will start reporting today and extend the reporting campaign out 10 years

  • You can enter anything into the Designated Account Segment and DesignationCode, as this campaign is report-only

  • You don't need to upload a photo, as this campaign is for internal use only

  • Click Save & I'm Done

  • You will be returned to the Campaign index view. Scroll down to the campaign you just created and click the X to archive the campaign.

  • Click OK to confirm your choice 

Please note: Archiving the report prevents any payments from accidentally being attributed to this report-only campaign

Create a marketing effort using the report-only campaign

  • In the V2 admin portal, navigate to: Marketing tab > Efforts > Add a New Effort (+)

  • Give the effort a name

  • In the Purpose of this Effort text box, provide a description of the effort

  • In the Campaigns section, click the drop-down box and select your reporting only campaign

  • Click Save & I’m Done

Create new sources (if needed)

To create an offline source for data entry

  • In the V2 admin portal, navigate to Marketing tab > Offline Sources > General Sources > Add a new General Source (+)

  • Provide a name and description of the source

  • In the Marketing section, click the Channel drop down list and select the channel this source will be tracking

  • Provide a unique source code for data entry purposes. You’ll want to keep the code short with no spaces. 

  • Click Save & I’m Done

To create an online source for email campaign or separate web button

  • In the V2 admin portal, navigate to Marketing tab > Web Sources > Giving Sources > Add a new Online Giving Source (+)

  • Provide a name and description of the source

  • In the Marketing section, provide a unique source code for data entry purposes. You’ll want to keep the code short with no spaces. Example: for food bank donations from a web page button that is separate from your regular promotion list, you could use: FoodBankButton as the source code. 

  • Click the Designation drop down list to select the designation that will be associated with this new source

  • If you use ask ladders, click the Default Ask Ladder drop down to select the ask ladder you wish to use. Otherwise, leave this setting as the default.

  • Click Save & I’m Done

Associate sources with the marketing effort

  • In the V2 admin portal, navigate to: Marketing tab > Efforts

  • Click the pencil to the left of your new performance tracking effort

  • In the Associated Marketing section, click the +Add Associated Marketing button

  • Use the Marketing Source drop down to select a source you wish to track

  • Click the Save button

  • Continue adding each source you wish to track with this effort

  • When finished selecting sources, click Save & I’m Done

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